Gamify your existing app!

Use your app to retain your app users and transform them into loyal customers or fans. Create an experience that brings your audience into a journey of collecting points and being rewarded.

UseAward SDK Features

Unlockable awards

Turn your app into an enjoyable experience that rewards its users - your clients and make sure that they are entertained, awarded and excited.

Personalized dashboard

Use the control panel to make the content customization process easy! It's a better way to adjust your app to the' needs.

Sponsors and prizes

Make use of the data on how the app users interact with a brand, and improve how you or your partner build relationships with them.

Request demo

Request your demo session with Fan Apps, to see all the available features of the Use Award SDK, and sign up with us for an integration, to make full use of your existing app.

Ready to take audience engagement to the next level?Start the UseAward integration
now with FanApps!